- Smart AMI meter will be installed at resident/room which can operate on credit mode or prepayment mode. Such smart meters will be equipped with remote connect-disconnect switch.
- RWA/Builder/Property Owner can opt to be on credit-billing or prepayment billing and this will be performed at Frontier application - Customer Information System (CIS) and/or prepaid application.
- AMI meters provide interval reads on a hourly basis and is stored in Meter Data Management System (MDMS).
- The rate at which the end customer will be billed is RWA/Builder/Owner decission and stored in Customer Information System (CIS).
- MDMS feeds interval reads to CIS and Prepaid application. These two applications in conjunction will calculate the bill periodically (hourly/daily and monthly) and would deduct the bill amount from the available credit.
- When the available credit reaches a threshold, alerts can be sent to the customer. Alerts can be sent via SMS gateway or push notification or email or In-Home Display units (IHD).
- When the available credit reaches zero, additional alerts are sent. Certain regulations recommend an emergency credit to be available. In such case, when the credit reaches the emergency credit threshold or when the credit reaches zero (when there is no concept of emergency credit), CIS/Prepaid system issues remote disconnect request to the AMI meter.
- Customers can make the required payment using existing infrastructure like web payments, mobile app, check payments, IVR payments etc. Once CIS system receives the payment/memo; it issues a reconnect request to the AMI system.